Teton Valley Community Wildfire Preparedness Day, Apr 25, 2018

For more information contact:
Teton Basin Ranger District
Teton Valley participates in National Community Wildfire Preparedness Day
Local communities join effort to reduce wildfire risk across the country on May 5, 2018
Community Wildfire Preparedness Day is a collaborative effort of local, state and federal firefighting agencies; Teton County Fire and Rescue, Teton County Emergency Management, The Nature Conservancy – Fire Learning Network, the US Forest Service and other partners. This event is to encourage residents of Teton Valley in wildfire-prone areas to prepare their homes and families for wildfire, anticipate environmental conditions and take precautions on Red Flag Warning days, and evacuate quickly when asked by emergency responders.
Residents living in high-risk wildfire areas who want to take action steps to increase their safety but are unsure about how to start can now find the information they need to accomplish wildfire risk reduction projects around their home and within their community on May 5 from 10 A.M to 2 P.M. at the Teton Basin Ranger District Office in Driggs, Idaho.
Through this educational activity, residents of Teton Valley can learn more about the importance of wildfire preparedness and planning, defensible space and how to get a home ignition zone evaluation. Additional activities include a visit from Smokey Bear, wildland fire trucks, and free hotdogs and hamburgers.
Below are actions residents can take to reduce the risk of home and property becoming fuel for a wildfire:
- Rake and remove pine needles and dry leaves within a minimum of 3 to 5 feet of a home’s foundation. As time permits – continue up to a 30-foot distance around the home. Dispose of collected debris in appropriate trash receptacles.
- Collect downed tree limbs and broken branches and take them to a disposal site.
- Join forces with neighbors and pool your resources to pay for a chipper service to remove slash.
For more information on Community Wildfire Preparedness Day and for information on how to reduce the wildfire threat, visit www.firewise.org and www.wildlandfirersg.org or contact Deb Flowers at Teton Basin Ranger District, dmflowers@fs.fed.us or 208-354-2312.