Reserve Firefighters Wanted – The 2016/17 Recruit Academy begins in October, Apply Today! Oct 5, 2016
Reserve Firefighters Wanted
Driggs, Idaho – September 26, 2016:
The Teton County Fire Protection District is currently accepting applications for Reserve Firefighter. Reserve Firefighters are part-time employees who are hired to serve a minimum of 2 reserve shifts monthly, as well as report to fire calls and attend ongoing training.
Requirements to apply include:
- You must be able to obtain a Firefighter I & EMT certification for Idaho upon completion of in-house academy.
- You must have a valid driver’s license,
- High school diploma or GED, and
- Be 18 years of age.
- All candidates must be able to pass a drug test prior to being hired.
- All candidates must be able to pass a background check and completing the testing and interview process.
This year those candidates with Firefighter I or II or documented equivalency may qualify for an abbreviated academy, or skills proficiency testing.
Successful candidates will begin a 250 hour in-house academy starting October 25th, and should last approximately 13 weeks. Upon graduation and successful certification of the academy, the pay will increase to $16/hr for those Firefighter I / EMT’s. Those advancing to Firefighter II / EMT’s are paid $18/hr. Paramedics who complete Firefighter I or II certifications are paid $18/hr and $20/hr respectively.

Applications must be submitted no later than 5pm on Friday October 7th, 2016. The process includes a physical agility test, and an interview.
Please follow the links below for additional information including a timeline and application.
Official Statement – For Immediate ReleaseOfficial – Reserve Firefighter Testing TimelineTeton County Fire Protection District Application – PDF – Please fill out form or simply print and scan back to usTeton County Fire Protection District Firefighter Questionnaire – PDF – Not required, but very helpful