Public Meeting – Tuesday, July 16th – 6pm – 8pm, Jul 10, 2019
Public Meeting
Tuesday, July 16th – 6 PM to 8 PM
The Caribou-Targhee National Forest (CTNF) and Teton County Fire & Rescue would like to invite you
to a public meeting on Tuesday, July 16th from 6:00 – 8:00 PM.
CTNF Fire Managers will provide an update on project status and potential treatments planned for
the South Valley Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project. Proposed project treatments were designed with
the feedback from previous public meetings and treatments include prescribed fire and commercial
timber harvest. The project area spans from Grove Creek south to Highway 31 and then east to Mike
Harris Campground with treatments proposed along the CTNF and private property boundary (See Map).
Additionally, Teton County Fire & Rescue would like to provide the community with information on
how to make your home defensible from a wildland fire. If you own property that adjoins the CTNF
in southern Teton County, ID, you may be eligible for assistance to reduce hazardous
fuels/vegetation on your property. A representative of Teton County Fire & Rescue will be
available to explain the project and how you may participate. (Funding for this project is provided
by the US Forest Service in cooperation with the Idaho Department of Lands).
Please meet at the Teton County Fire Station #2, Victor, ID. If desired Fire Managers will take
participants to past CTNF fuels mitigation treatments to display the types of treatments proposed
within the South Valley Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project.
We look forward to seeing you on July 16th and encourage you to forward this invitation to others
that might be interested.
If you have additional questions about the event please call the Teton Basin Ranger District Office
at 208-354-2312.