Kane Brightman

Name: Kane Brightman
Title: Reserve Firefighter
Years of Service: 1999 to present
Hometown and Years in Teton Valley: Burnt Valley, NY; Lived in Teton Valley since 1980
Personal Details (family and hobbies): I first visited Teton Valley in March 1972 to go skiing. Traveling the country from New York to California to Alaska, I somehow kept coming back to the Valley and bought in fall of 1980. Between then and now, I’ve raised two daughters, Chloe – my first – recently graduated from the University of Wyoming and Ginny is presently attending the University of Alaska.
Why did you want to become a firefighter?: Mid summer of 1998 some friends and I were enjoying a backyard barbecue; it got a bit larger than usual. The sunset was classic, and the last alpine glow had left the Grand when I heard the distant siren. I was indifferent until the flashing lights turned down my driveway; I soon discovered that my neighbor had called the fire department and the firefighters promptly responded. After checking out the situation, determining everything was OK, the guys left us to enjoy the rest of the evening. A few days later, I went to the Tetonia Fire Hall to find out find out more about the department.
Firefighter Safety & Survival: The Company Officer’s Responsibility – 1999
Fire Cause Investigation – 2001
Incident Command System 1-100 ICS – 2003
Basic Incident Command System Organization (I-200) – 2003
Essentials of Firefighting – 2004
Hazmat Awareness – 2005
Essentials of Firefighting – 2005
American Heart Association BLS, CPR & AED – 2006
Haz Mat Awareness – 2007
Haz Mat Operations – 2007
Air Idaho Rescue Safety & Landing Zone Class – 2008
Air Idaho Rescue Farm Accidents – 2008
Fire Operations in the Urban Interface S 215 – 2009
2010 Fireline Refresher RT 130 – 2010
Flashover Survival Training – 2011
American Heart Association BLS, CPR & AED – 2012
Unit Commendation Award – 2012
B.S. Utah State University – 1976
Founding Board Member of Teton Valley Land Trust
Owner of Old West Log Homes Ltd.-General Contractor since 1994